画素内に高速に電荷の転送と排出を行う構造を設けることにより、約200[p sec]の時間分解能で、蛍光寿命をリアルタイムに計測できることを示しています。

- H. J. Yoon, S. Kawahito,"A CMOS Image Sensor for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging", IEEE SENSORS, pp. 400-403, 2006
- H. J. Yoon, S. Ito and S. Kawahito, "A CMOS Image Sensor with In-Pixel Two-Stage Transfer for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 214-221, Feb. 2009.
- Z. Li, K. Yasutomi, T. Takasawa, S. Itoh and S. Kawahito, "A CMOS image sensor with draining only modulation pixels for fluorescence lifetime imaging", in Proc. SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, vol. 7875, San Fransisco, CA, Jan. 2011, pp. 78750D-1 -- 78750D-8.
- S. Kawahito, Z. Li, and K. Yasutomi, "A CMOS image sensor with draining only modulation pixels for sub-nanosecond time-resolved imaging", in Proc. International Image Sensor Workshop, Hokkaido, Japan, Jun. 2011, pp. 185-188.
- Z. Li, S. Kawahito, K. Yasutomi, K. Kagawa, J. Ukon, M. Hashimoto, H. Niioka, "A time-resolved CMOS image sensor with draining-only modulation pixels for fluorescence lifetime imaging", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 2715-2722, Oct. 2012.
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